Home Tele. No. . . . . . . . . . . . Bus. Tele. No. . . . . . . . . . . .
Fax No. . . . . . . . . . . .
Members Data: In order to assist the committee to provide the services required by members, would you please complete the following. Information given will be treated as strictly confidential.
Membership is broken down into several sections. You must decide which of the services offered by skyNET that you would like to use. Membership is for 12 months. If at any time you wish to cease your membership for certain special circumstances, you may request a percentage refund, but nothing is garanteed. For instance if you will be moving to America where your phone bill would be too high to ring anymore and there are many bbs's over there anyway. Anyway, to cut a long story short, skyNET offers several message areas. These are local, internet and fidonet. Local are free but internet and fidonet are not. To gain access to FidoNet you must pay $5 or Internet you must pay $10. To gain access to both you must pay $15. Next there are several file areas. These are the Hard Disks, CD-ROMs and MSDN file areas. The CD-ROM area consists of the AMUG-CD (a complete file archive of the AMUG BBS) and one other CD. For details about the other CD read the message on access in the NEWS area. The MSDN file areas come free of charge as a bonus if you are a hard disk user! Hard Disk download access costs $5, CD-ROM download access costs $5, and MSDN download access comes with HD access. We also offer a service for those deprived people out there without a faxmodem. If you would like us to do fax's for you, then you can do this just as if you had a faxmodem. For more information go into NEWS and read FAX INFO message. This service costs $5 per year minimum. It depends how many faxes you wish to send. You must pay before you send a fax or it will not be sent. Anyway, now to the section that you have been waiting for.
Please tick appropriate:
Internet ($10) ____ FidoNet ($5) ____
File Areas:
Hard Disk ($5) ____ CD-ROM ($5) ____
Fax Access ($5) ____ I would like $.............worth.